Installing Android Studio SDK

This tutorial information about installing Android Studio SDK software in MS Windows OS. What you need is a PC with 8GB RAM and at least 10GB of free disk space to run the Android emulator. Running on actual Android devices (phone, tablet) requires much lesser resources.

Step 1: Pre-Installation Requirements
  1. Before installing Android SDK, you need to install Java Development Kit (JDK). Read “How to install JDK“. Ensure that your JDK is at or above 1.8. You can check your JDK version with command “javac -version“.
  2. Uninstall older version(s) of “Android Studio” and “Android SDK”, if any.
  3. The installation and many operations take a LONG time to complete. Do NOT stare at your screen or at the ceiling. Browse through the “Android Developers” @ For developers, check out the “Developer Guides”.
  4. We need to install:
    1. Android Studio, which is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on IntelliJ (a popular Java IDE); and
    2. Android Software Development Kit (SDK) for developing Android apps.
Step 2: Install “Android Studio IDE”

Reference: “Install Android Studio” @

  1. Check that environment variable JAVA_HOME is set to the JDK installation directory via command “set JAVA_HOME“. Otherwise, Follow the steps HERE.
  2. Check the system requirements for Android Studio/SDK @ e.g., For Windows 10, recommended 8GB of RAM, 4GB of disk space, and 1280×800 minimum screen resolution.
  3. Goto “Android Studio” @ ⇒ Click “Download Android Studio 3.3.x for Windows 64-bit (948MB)”, e.g., android-studio-ide-182.xxxxxxx-windows.exe.
  4. Run the downloaded installer ⇒ You may watch a short video @ ⇒ In “Choose Components”, select “Android Studio” and “Android Virtual Device” ⇒ In “Android Studio Installation Location”, accept the default “C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio” ⇒ Follow the on-screen instruction and accept the defaults to complete the installation. You need about 3-4GB of free disk space! Take note (and take photo) on the installation locations of “Android Studio” (by default @ “C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio“) and the “Android SDK” (by default @ c:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk).
Step 3: Installing Android Studio SDK

Notes: Adding too many SDK packages, especially the so-called system images for emulating different device (e.g., various phone/tablet), will take an extremely LONG time, especially if everyone is downloading and jamming up the network. The system images also take up a lot of disk space – a few Giga Bytes per API level!!! For our toy project, we only need a small set of SDK packages.

  1. Launch Android Studio ⇒ It will run the “setup” wizard for the first launch ⇒ do not import previous settings ⇒ In “Welcome”, choose “next” ⇒ In “Install Type”, choose “Standard” (default) ⇒ In “Select UI Theme”, select “IntelliJ” (default) ⇒ Take note of the SDK folder, by default @ c:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk ⇒ Finish.
    This step will download another 1GB of SDK package and take times to complete.
    Note: In Windows, “AppData” is a hidden directory. You need to choose “View” ⇒ Check “Show Hidden Items” to see this directory.
  2. (Optional) You can check the SDK packages installed by selecting “Configure” (at the bottom of Android Studio) ⇒ “SDK Manager” ⇒ “Android SDK” (sidebar):
    • Under “SDK Platforms” tab:
      • Android 8.1 (Oreo) (API Level 27)
    • Under “SDK Tools” tab:
      • Android SDK Build Tools 29-rc1
      • Android Emulator (27.1.12)
      • Android SDK Platform-Tools (28.0.2)
      • Android SDK Tools (26.1.1)
      • Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer) (7.3.2)
      • Support Repository (ConstraintLayout for Android, Solver for ConstraintLayout, Android Support Repository, Google Repository)